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February 2019

Campus Attractions

Colonel Journal: Guiding your transition to colonel country

At Eastern Kentucky University, we understand the importance of beauty. We have strived hard to make our campus pleasing and many refer to it as the #CampusBeautiful!

Since we have worked hard to make our campus beautiful that is able to provide our students with many helpful tools, we wanted to share a bit about our top campus attractions.

Tips For Your Well-Being As A College Student

Colonel Journal: Guiding your transition to colonel country

College is fun, but it can be challenging. For the first time in your life, you are totally and completely free. You make your own decisions and you have to care for yourself.

Colonel Card Features

Colonel Journal: Guiding your transition to colonel country

Did you know that when you become a Colonel you receive a personal identification card that is specifically used for Eastern Kentucky University? Consider your Colonel Card as your all-access pass to the #CampusBeautiful!

So, what is your Colonel Card actually used for?