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Campus Safety at EKU

Colonel Journal: Guiding your transition to colonel country

When deciding where you will spend the next four years of your life, it is important to consider campus safety. Eastern Kentucky University works hard to ensure that all of our students are safe and that they will always receive help when needed.

EKU provides University Police who patrol the campus buildings, parking lots, residence hall exteriors, and campus grounds 24/7. Officers patrol the campus by motor vehicle, bicycle, and even on foot. Our campus has 24 sworn-in police offers who have full law enforcement authority on all University property, and concurrent jurisdiction on all roads and streets adjacent to campus. Additionally, the EKU Police Department maintains a close relationship with the Richmond Police, the Kentucky State Police, the Madison County Sherriff, Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, and more!

If safety is a concern you have, EKU would like to inform you that we offer Public Safety Alerts that will be sent automatically to your phone. To learn more about this, please click here.

One more wonderful thing that EKU provides are call boxes. The EKU Police Department monitors 57 call boxes in various locations on campus. Call boxes are easily located by an attached blue light, and are used for emergency situations, directions and information, or requesting an evening shuttle or an escort.

If you would like more information about campus safety and/or the EKU Police Department, please click here.

If you have any questions/concerns or need to speak with the EKU Police Department, please contact them at (859)-622-1111.

Schedule a visit today to learn more about campus safety, to visit the EKU Police Department, and to discover various call boxes around the #CampusBeautiful. 

Go Colonels!

Published on October 18, 2018